Histon and Busway – 29 March 18

Leader: Derek (in absentia)

Riders: Rowland, Bill, Maggie, Peter, Richard, Jim, Simon

Distance: 33 miles


Coffee – Bethel Baptist Church, Swavesey

Lunch – The Garden Room, Hemingford Grey

Seven to Swavesey then Bill, Jim and Rowland onwards around the Hemingfords. We had a warm welcome at Swavesey which was hosted by the local young badminton players and an even warmer welcome at Hemingford Garden Cafe, they’d had a quiet morning. When we arrived at Houghton Mill Jim took the initiative and on instruction from the sign he dismounted and walked through to the bridge and both Rowland and I duly followed his example. Never has a group of Camrollers been so disciplined. The highlights included one puncture, one pair of lost gloves which reappeared on the hands of another rider, and a conversation about the  punctuation rules applying to abbreviations !


(Download route as gpx file)
  • Total Distance: 32.97 miles
  • Climbing: 619.6 ft
  • Descending: -619.6 ft
  • Max elevation: 62.7
  • Min elevation: 10.8
  • Elapsed: 00:00:00
  • Moving: 00:00:00